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The Hat

The bucket hat is just a unique style choice of mine. I use it more as a trade mark than anything else.

Soccer Life

I not very skilled at soccer.I'm not a prodigy or anything. Soccer is just a sport i like to play. Naturally, I play for my school's team.

My Alma Mater

I attend Aquinas College as a twelfth grade student. I take chemistry, physics and spanish for electives. I have been here from the seventh grade and I have to say I'm grateful to be given the chance to be here, to have meet the friends i have and to have learned all that i know at Aquinas College. The experience was unforgettable.
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Extra-Curricular Activities

I participate in a large variety of activities outside of academics.

  • Firstly and more obviously I am apart of the Aquinas College Soccer team.
  • I am an active member of my Parish at St. Anselms.
  • I am apart of the Aquinas College Debate team
  • I am a memeber of the Beautillion Commitees Gentlemen's Club.