An aspiring lawyer who is helpful, ambitious and generous. Jade adapts to new environment and is open to avid learning.


Machaela have a keen interest in the world of economics and thrive off of doing any form of business. She loves to smile and enjoy spending time with her close friends and loved ones.


Lester have a keen interest for literary arts, public speaking and etymology. He believes everyday is a new opportunity for betterment and seeing his goals come to fruition is what drives his motivation. An aspiring pathologist.


Kharys BODIE

A hard-working and driven individual who is not afraid to face challenges. Khary's is passionate about her work and knows how to get the job done. She describes herself as an open and honest person who doesn't believe in misleading other people and tries to be fair in everything she does.


Andriel BOWLEG

An aspiring Pastry Chef who is timid and caring. She consider herself a little weird at times but who isn't.


Athan is a dedicated individual who finds pleasure in immersing himself in the world of video games and basketball. These activities not only provide him with a challenge but also serve as a source of relaxation. He spends his time with the people he loves and even consider himself an introvert who prefers the comfort of his own home over social gatherings..


Daniel loves to run the track. He is very creative and a deep thinker who always find ways to think out of the box.



Brendan considers himself as an introverted individual with a passion for gaming. He has an appreciation for nature and seek moments of peace and quiet. His future career aspiration is most likely involves computers and technology.



Edney wants to be very successful in life of excitement and interesting things happening. She is charming and open minded with a bubbly personality. Confident, sociable and always shows leadership qualities.


The Aisha Brown who people see is energetic , entertaining and surprisingly "a person that can hold a conversation". However those who know her, can tell that she is positive and always ready to overcome life's challenges.


Someone who is very social and needs a highly social environment, but at most times would rather work alone. Alex is adaptable to almost any environment.

Cierra BROWN

A passionate young lady who aspires to succeed in life in the field of performing arts and business management. Cierra is also hardworking and do not shy away from challenges.


Livia has a lot of energy and creativity. She yearns to go on excursions and even go as far as possible in her global exploration. She also wants to help people, so she is looking for a profession in psychology that will allow her to develop that skill.


Kianna quickly absorbs and understands information with little effort. She set herself to a very high standard and always does her best to maintain that standard. An aspiring geneticist.


Ava is an open person when spoken to. She considers herself caring, but not a pushover. An aspiring neonatal nurse.

Justin CASH

Justin cares about other peoples well being, persistent, consistent and hardworking. A strong willed person who loves music and fashion designing.


Carleicia is an aspiring orthodontist. A cheerful and enthusiastic individual who loves spending quality time with the ones she values.


Strong-willed and ambitious. Anajah keep God at the forefront of my life. An aspiring entrepreneur.

Ceanna DEAN

Ceanna is a hardworking individual with a bubbly personality. Athletic and cares for those around her and tries her best to make them happy. An aspiring Zoo-Life Veterinarian.

Lashay DEAN

A born leader and well organized. Lashay supports vision and leadership. A person who is committed to excellence, teamwork and skill development. She has the ability to time manage activities both in and out of school.

Shane DEAN

Shane likes to run track. Hardworking and generous young man. An aspiring entrepreneur and a professional track athlete.


Jaden loves to listen to music and play basketball. He wants to be a professional basketball player someday. He is also passionate about game developing and computer engineering. He wants to be very successful in the future and hopes to provide a good life for his future family.


An aspiring chef and restaurant owner. Theajh loves to make other people laugh and feel happy when they are around her. Loves cooking and trying new recipes, baking and watching animes.

Atrell EVANS

A well-rounded person that strives to put her best foot forth in every situation with God at her forefront. A person that has the heart, persona and aura of a nurse.




Anthony is the type of individual who tries to take his own path. He likes freedom and independence. He keeps his emotions bottled up, leaving him quick to take offense to small things. He tries to make the best of his situation. He constantly search for ways to relieve stress and prefers to be left in peace and avoids arguments, confrontation and conflicts.


Jaye values respect and loyalty above all else and believes everyone should be treated fairly. He loves God and music. An aspiring entrepreneur and wants to be a music mogul someday.


Jonathan considers himself a young entreprenreur on his way to becoming one of The Bahamas billionaires. An aspiring pilot or an aviation engineer and hopes to become one of the Member of the Parliament(MP) representing his community.



Robin is looking out to make it into the big world and does his best at what he is good at. An aspiring cosmetologist, hospitality specialist and a real state agent.


Quianta HANNA

Quianta is an aspiring pastry chef, uncertain and searching for opportunities for her future but determined in achieving and fulfilling her dreams.

Monneka HENRY

Monneka's life long goal is to become financially stable and a successful entrepreneur. She aspires to have a degree in Communication Studies Social Media Track (BA). She wants to give back to the community and complete public service projects.

Ashantaè HEPBURN

Ashantè is humorous, bubbly and outgoing. She loves ice cream, pasta, seafood and watching movies. She spends time in dancing and playing volleyball. An aspiring entreprenuer in hospitality
and tourism.

Gershon HIELD

Funny, ambitious and intelligent young man. Gershon aspires to be an electrical engineer and a property manager.


Devane is highly optimistic and outgoing. He loves to learn new and exciting things and craves new interests. An aspiring marine biologist who looks for a well-rounded life full of success and new experiences.

Tarquin KELLY

Tarquin is honest, respectful loving and caring individual. Outspoken and generous specially to those who love him in whatever he can. An aspiring entrepreneur in electrical and automechanics.


A firm believer in Christ. Jania is a great listener and an organized person. She can be outgoing at times and can easily adapt to her surroundings.


Kylee is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, creative and hard working person. She is often soft spoken but love to laugh. An aspiring aerospace engineer and a pilot.


Arnaldo finds myself naturally inclined to remain laid-back, exuding a sense of calm in almost any situation. Surrounded by his friends and family brings him immense joy, comfort and warmth of their company. He aspires to be an electrical engineer.


Someone who is easy to have a conversation with, a focused and dedicated young man. Tonaz aspires to be a fashion stylist.


Aidan wants the freedom to follow his own heart, goals and dreams and to earn the respect as a unique individual. He works well with others, loves to give support to those in need. He desires to pursue every possible opportunity without limitations or things standing in his way.


Shavez considers education comes before anything else. Putting aside activities with friends and family is something that he is willing to do. Working hard for things that he loves is something he is proud of.


Vejay is a substancially self aware person who enjoys talking about spritual matters and Christian values. He enjoys learning new random facts about different laws of sciences demonstrated physically. An aspiring automotive designer.

Matthew MILLER

An aspiring medical technician. Matthew loves to serve and lead by example. He is involve in multisports such as swimming, soccer, softball and track and field.


Respectful, loving, kind and always available for his friends and family. Morgan aspires to be a biologist.

Destiny MOSS

Destiny is focused and committed individual. She always strives for success and enjoys a good laugh. An aspiring forensic pathologist.


Kaiden is a resilient and hard working individual. She does not give up when times are tough but rather persevere in the face of adversity. Moreover, she understands that with the right mindset, she can accomplish anything she set her mind to. An aspiring pediatric endocrinologist.


Tayla loves to watch movies and listen to music. She always considers putting God first in her life and remember Him always as the length and life of her days. An aspiring entrepreneur.


Hard-working and driven individual who is not afraid to face challenges. Alyssa is passionate about her craft and know how to do get the job done. She would describe herself as an open, sincere, fair aggressive, driven and always searching for potential opportunities to improve herself and to reach her dreams.

Hayden PRATT

Hayden is quite and reserved person. She often by herself and is contented with her own company. Thoughtful, humble, considerate, never taking for granted what she have and loving, especially to those who she hold near and dear to her heart.



An open minded individual with a sense of humor with a caring and loving personality that leaves a positive mark on people. Lashane aspires to be a biologist.



Arik is someone who tries to be friendly to everyone in life. He strives to make everyone laugh and have a good time gernerally. An aspiring astrophysicist.

Javoughn ROLLE

Passionate and enduring person who loves to take on whatever challenges he may face.


Funny God fearing young man that isn't scared of new challenges. Kevin aspires to have a career in electrical installation.


Gianna enjoys watching here favorite TV-Shows and sleeping. Spending time with her mom brings her joy and fulfillment. She is passionate about dancing at church and aspires to be become a pilot.

Justin SCOTT

Easy going, trustworthy and reliable. Justin is able to think in and out of the box. A strong minded warrior of God who wants to see everyone around and himself succeed in this game called "Life". An aspiring DevOps Engineer.


Ashton considers himself a very logical and analytical person, priding himself under the ethical umbrella of egoism as well as an avid researcher. He often ponder the possible nihility of the universe he shall forever dream of the endlessly beautiful void that is space. He is highly charismatic and excellent with people. Striving for success and adapting constantly he can do what he must to survive in this ephemeral world.


Torea enjoys learning new things and loves being complimented on her loving spirit. Attentive and nice, determined and focused. Torea aspires to be a mortician.

Christonia TAYLOR

Christonya loves being involved in clubs,organizing events and helping out wherever she can. She spends time in discovering and learning about computers and technology and hopes to create her own apps someday. Athletic and loves listening to music.


Don is strong willed who is willing to put his best foot forward in any circumstances. His athletic capabilities is immeasurable. Aspires to be a computer programmer and an entreprenuer.


Strong and courageous individual. Trevante has been taught to love and respect herself as well as others and believes that “manners and respect takes you around the world”. She wants to become a teacher someday.


Keen, honest and loves hard work for deserved results. Elexio aspires to be an electrical engineer.


Aysia, a caring and helpful person who apparently is great at starting conversations but doesn't. She aspires to be a pathologist someday.


Confident and proud of herself. Kaiyden aspires to be a pediatrician or veterinarian someday.


Lamar believes that inside every person lies the potential to achieve their dreams. He aspire to utilize this potential and one day make a global impact.