About Me

Since the beginning of my senior year, I’ve been repeatedly asked to write essays answering the question: “Who am I?” Honestly speaking, maybe I could have simply used the same essay each time I was asked to create one. The teachers, subjects, and prompts were all different, so now I sit here questioning why I put in so much effort each time. Maybe it’s because it simply didn’t feel right. Obviously, copying and pasting an essay from one assignment to another shouldn’t be acceptable by any standards. However, what didn’t feel right was submitting the same person that I was a few months before then. The truth is I grow mentally, spiritually, and physically everyday, and I am never the same person that I was the month, week, or day before.

One thing about me is that I value the bonds that I create. We were not placed on this earth to traverse it alone. All of us can agree that life can more often than not be too much to bear without other people to depend on. Every 2000s kid's cartoon, disney movie, or anime I've ever watched while I was younger taught me to value the friendships that I have. While we're on the topic, Cartoon Network and disney held my childhood in a chokehold, and I'd do almost anything to go back to those simpler times for at least one day. TV today simply can not compare to the absolute joy that it was back then. I can't lie, I also enjoyed the occasional Victorious or ICarly episode, but Disney and Cartoon Network both held little pieces of my heart.

The Iris

My Career Path

William Shakespeare once said, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” I’ve lived by this quote for as long as I can remember. There is so much to learn from simply looking into another person’s eyes. You can determine the type of person they are, as well as their intentions. This simple soul to soul contact has saved me on more than one occasion. Which is why I’ve chosen Optometry as a future profession.

I already consider eye contact to be an essential life skill, so why not make a career out of it?

My Achievements


BJC Exams
Health Science
General Science
English Language
Religious Studies
Craft Study

Art and Design B
English Language
Religious Studies

That's all folks!