Chaz Mackey
Future Sports Analyst

Who is Chaz? This name simply describes the coolest person on Earth, with the last name being Mackey. I was born on December 13,2001. I am unique, diverse, very upbeat and vibrant. When I leave Aquinas College I plan to pursue a career as a Sports Analyst. It is always been a passion of mine to talk about sports and the its opportunities. To do this and eventually being compensated for it is a opportunity I can't pass on. I am a very passionate person and attempt to avoid problems at all causes I stay to myself and strives to do the best.

"Dont Tell Me The Sky Is The Limit When There Are FootPrints On The Moon"

Quote By : Paul Brandt

  • Most Improved Geography 2014-2016
  • Most Improved Computer 2015
  • GGYA Bronze
  • GGYA Sliver